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You can use this form to contact us by email.

Please note that we can not reply to an incorrect or incomplete address! If you don't receive an immediate automatic reply, please send your message again with your correct email address. We get lots of bounces because people mistype their address or don't know their mailbox is already full! Also because they use "SpamAlert" or some similar spam filter (We won't reply).

Our email server incorporates a spam filter. If your message below contains certain errors or key words, the server will ask you to correct or remove them, otherwise your message will be assumed to be junk mail and will not be sent.

Your Email Address
Your Full Name
Your Phone Number (day, night, Cell)*
Subject Line
Message - Please type your message here.  Do not use ALL CAPS!

*NOTE: Arizona does not use Daylight Savings time, just Mountain Standard Time all year.  This means our Spring/Summer months are the same as California (Pacific) time or 3 hours behind Eastern time, and the Fall/Winter (non Daylight Savings) months are one hour later than Pacific or 2 hours earlier than Eastern time.  In any event if we need to call you, it won't ever be later than 9:00 P.M. your time, unless you say otherwise.

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